Even though I have not been actively blogging (Instagram is more my thing) I decided to participate in a Christmas gift exchange with other women in agriculture. Farming can be an isolating profession, and each crop/climate/growing region is so unique it can be hard to connect with other people. Enter the Country Christmas Connection, hosted by Darleen of Guernsey Dairy Mama and Jenny from The Magic Farmhouse.
There are so many fabulous women in ag - those in row crop production, vegetable crops, dairies, food production, seed reps, chemical reps, etc. all over the U.S. My package went to Taysha in Ohio. She wanted to learn more about cotton. I am your girl for that!
I wanted to learn more about connecting with consumers. So Darleen and Jenny gave my name to Krista from The Farmer's Wifee in Washington. If you want to know about dairy farming, she is a great resource. I have said more than once in my time on the farm that I am thankful I am married to a cotton farmer, not a dairy farmer. We have down times and slow times and times we can roam about the country. No such luxury for dairy farmers! I have several questions for Krista, but wanted to wait until after the holidays and kids are back in school to bombard her.
I loved my package - yummy smells from the soap and candle, adorable cow ornament for the tree, and tasty treats along with some relaxing lotions and washes (like who would ever think I need to relax!?!?!?). To see more of the women who participated, hop over to the 2016 Country Christmas Connection link page.
If you still want to keep up with what's going on farm-wise, find me on instagram as kwhatley or whatleyfarms. I have a feeling I will get back to the blog though. Many exciting things in the works for 2017!