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« 52 Fridays: Warmth | Main | The Force »



Burr...That is cold! We are at 19 degrees this morning and it feels like a heat wave! Last week we were at -35 degrees with the wind chill. That was sooo cold. Love the picture...


I'm in the same boat here in South Florida. I hate to even say it, but we've been in the 70's and even 80's all week.


yep...real winter alright.

Emily Horton

Great idea! YES... I'm in TX, too, and the weather has been so cold this year. Plus, we woke up to snow this morning! :)


Obviously, my California blood just shivers when I look at your picture. It was 50 (yes, i know 50) yesterday and I was wearing a parka! Great sign!

Jayme Franklin

I really like that you took this assigment as an opportunity to document! Great job this week.


I feel for you guys in this weather... I LOVE living in the mild Northwest! I doubt we'll even get any snow accumulation this year! Wish I could come play with you for at least one day.

melissa deakin

great interpretation of this prompt.
we are freezing here too in the northeast.
i am so beyond ready for spring!


Kelly! Texas is experiencing some crazy weather, keep warm. Brrr...

The Rancher's Wife Kate

I'm not laughing because I know there is a difference between dry cold and humid cold!!! Stay warm, and buy lots of hot chocolate.


this crazy cold weather is wearing me out! i am used to warm temps too! and the kids school has been closed three different days for ice and/or snow this winter

Lisa Turner

oh I should have done that-documented our negative temps here last week!

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